The Pathway of Vibrant Longevity.
The Big Pharma medical system is cleverly designed from Medical school to residency and eventually the practice of “medicines” to make humans believe that dis-ease is a result of bad genes, bad timing or bad luck. A bigger lie may not exist. Humans are being made sick purposely by a system that works around the clock, poisoning everything a human needs to be healthy i.e. air (chemtrails), food and water (glyphosate), as well as their vaccines and PHARMACEUTICALS!
Evil is live spelled backwards…and evil has now cloaked itself as science and medicine, it’s best disguise to date. The water is poisoned with fluoride, the air is poisoned with chemtrails, the foods are poisoned with GMO’s and pesticides, the children poisoned with vaccines and the adults poisoned with prescription drugs. All in the name of science. Evil has found its’ ultimate playground and that playground is littered with the bodies of the most naive and most easily mind controlled of our society. Sad but a true reality of our present world. The only choice we have is to opt out, not participate as much as possible.You must take control of your own life, starting with your own healthcare. Research, study, learn and apply the knowledge you gain.
The most important thing you can do for your health is to understand the water of life ie. Life giving water.
If you do nothing else for your health, add this LIVING water Activator to your processed/filtered water:
If you want to know what else you should be doing, email me: Living with diabetes means lots of health-related worries, and if you’re taking one very popular diabetes drug, you can add cancer to your list of concerns. Metformin, which is given to many people with type 2 diabetes to control high blood sugar, has been found to contain carcinogens. NATURALNEWS.COM Metformin latest drug to be investigated for possible carcinogenic chemicals Living with diabetes means lots of health-related worries, and if you’re taking one very popular diabetes drug, you can add cancer to your list of concerns. Metformin, which is given to many people with type 2 diabetes to control high blood sugar, has been found to contain carcinogens in other co